
We pride ourselves on consistently delivering successful deployments. We work with banks to provide the delivery approach best suited to their needs:
Self service

In this model, the bank largely deploys the Vault platform itself. This is possible through:

  • An extensive SDK and documentation explaining every aspect of platform functionality and behaviour
  • Our training portal for banks to train and certify their staff. This allows them to rapidly up-skill and support configuration and deployment.
Our experts
  • Our expert client services teams works alongside banks or partners, transferring skills and knowledge, providing configuration, architecture and migration expertise and ensuring successful deployment
  • We can either empower banks to become self-sufficient and take full ownership of future product expansion or provide long-term support services

Banks can utilise our global network of highly trained partners to support them in deploying the Vault platform. Partners have successfully worked with banks across the world to implement our technology.

We maintain an extensive network of delivery partners who can guide the bank on every step of the journey – whether specific technical support, such as building integrations with third parties or managing large-scale change. All our delivery partners have provided Thought Machine-certified teams and have experience deploying the Vault platform worldwide.

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