Partnering with Moneythor

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Moneythor provides an all-in-one personalisation engine for financial services that delivers actionable data-driven insights, recommendations, and nudges to support the entire customer journey from acquisition to activation to engagement. Examples of these include money management nudges, budgets, savings goals, predictive forecasts, financial literacy material, relevant offers, referral campaigns, gamification, loyalty programs and more. The Moneythor solution enables the AI-driven enrichment of data and the execution of custom customer experiences across multiple channels including online banking, mobile apps, chatbots, and internal CRM tools. This ensures that customers enjoy engaging tailored experiences, regardless of the channel they choose to interact with. The Moneythor solution can deliver use cases for retail banking, SME banking and wealth management providers.
Vault Core's integration to Moneythor
Our joint solution with Moneythor delivers enhanced digital insights, recommendations and nudges for banks’ customers, utilising Vault Core’s real-time data feed to deliver categorised spending, financial management advice, and goal setting capabilities.
Moneythor interface
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