
Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir immer wieder erfolgreiche Implementierungen durchführen. Wir arbeiten eng mit Banken zusammen, um den für ihre Bedürfnisse am besten geeigneten Bereitstellungsansatz zu finden:
Self service

Bei diesem Modell implementiert die Bank die Vault-Plattform weitgehend selbst. Dies ist möglich durch:

  • Ein umfangreiches SDK und eine Dokumentation, die jeden Aspekt der Funktionalität und des Verhaltens der Plattform erläutert
  • Unser Schulungsportal für Banken zur Schulung und Zertifizierung von Mitarbeitern. So können sie sich schnell fortbilden und Konfiguration und Einsatz unterstützen.
Unsere Experten
  • Unser Expertenteam aus Client Services arbeitet mit Banken oder Partnern zusammen, um Fähigkeiten und Wissen zu übermitteln, Konfigurations-, Architektur- und Migrationswissen bereitzustellen und eine erfolgreiche Implementierung zu gewährleisten.
  • Wir können Banken entweder in die Lage versetzen, sich selbst zu versorgen und die volle Verantwortung für die künftige Produkterweiterung zu übernehmen, oder wir können langfristigen Support anbieten.
Delivery Partner Programme

Wir unterhalten ein umfangreiches Netzwerk von Implementierungspartnern, die die Bank auf jedem Schritt begleiten können - sei es bei der spezifischen technischen Unterstützung, wie z.B. Integrationen von Drittanbietern, oder der Bewältigung groß angelegter Umstellungen. Alle unsere Lieferpartner haben Thought Machine-zertifizierte Teams  und verfügen über Erfahrung mit der weltweiten Implementierung der Vault-Plattform.

Designed to meet the implementation needs of our clients and partners

Thought Machine’s clients expect a standard of competence in deploying, integratingand building banking products from Thought Machine and our partners. Beyond experience in Vault Core deployments, professional certifications also provide evidence of competency.

Thought Machine’s goal is to enable our delivery partners to:

  • become professionally certified and proficient in each of the disciplines required for a successful Vault delivery,
  • become an extension of Thought Machine delivery services to support our growing and ever-demanding client base
  • reach a state of self-sufficiency in the deployment of Vault with less reliance on Thought Machine delivery services support and
  • generate increased income for partners from core banking change programmes through the deployment of Vault, including, but not limited to, migration, integration and end-to-end testing services.

Membership tiers

The Delivery Partner Programme has three tiers: Local, Regional, and Global. The tiers consider the partner’s geographical reach, capabilities, and professional certifications, helping our clients make accurate and informed decisions about whom to work with on a project.

A purple badge indicating the status of Local Delivery Partner
A blue badge indicating the status of Regional Delivery Partner
A green badge indicating the status of Global Delivery Partner

Global partners
are those who have the appetite and geographical reach to support Vault Core deliveries in all three regions (APAC, EMEA, AMER) and have met or are working towards the Professionals certification target of 40 individuals.

Regional partners are those who have the appetite and geographical reach tosupport Vault Core deliveries across one of our three regions (APAC, EMEA, AMER) andhave met or are working towards the Professionals certification target of 20 individuals.

Local partners are those who have the appetite and geographical reach to support Vault Core deliveries within one country and have met or are working towards the Professionals certification target of 10 individuals.

Benefits to partners

As part of the Delivery Partner Programme, partners will have access to a number of benefits, including:

  • 50% reduction on all Vault Fundamentals exam and Professional Certification fees.
  • complimentary places, according to the partner’s tiering, on public Professional bootcamps.
  • all delegates attending bootcamps will have up to three free attempts to pass the exam.
  • access to Thought Machine Client Services experts.

Partners will have access to the following materials via the Vault Portal:

  • all documentation, along with best practices and how-to guides.
  • the Vault Delivery Framework.
  • the Vault Core Product Library.
  • the Thought Machine Academy, inclusive of courses, ebooks, and videos.
  • the Smart Contract College.
  • The Community forum and the public shared sandbox.
  • The Quarterly Product Roadmap Broadcasts to understand the future direction of Thought Machine products.

For questions, further information or assistance regarding our delivery partner programme, please contact

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The Delivery Partner Programme has three tiers: Local, Regional, and Global. The tiers consider the partner’s geographical reach, capabilities, and professional certifications, helping our clients make accurate and informed decisions about whom to work with on a project.